The resources provided below are for informational purposes and are not maintained by or sponsored by the Historical and Genealogical Society of Indiana County.
Naturalizations in Indiana County

The Prothonotary Office of Indiana County Pennsylvania has compiled a list of Naturalization Records for Indiana County which are located in their office. Their office can provide a copy of the record by sending them a self-addressed, stamped envelope (8 1/2 x 11 envelope) with a $10 check/money ordered made payable to "Prothonotary of Indiana County." For more information the Prothonotary can be reached at 825 Philadelphia St. Indiana, PA 15701 and 724-465-3855.
Property Records in Indiana County
The Recorder of Deeds of Indiana County is the repository for deeds and mortgages for properties located within Indiana County. These records go back until 1803 through the present day. For more information the Recorder of Deeds can be reached at 825 Philadelphia St. Indiana, PA 15701 and 724-465-3860.
Coal Mining Towns
The IUP Special Collections and University Archives has compiled information about coal mining towns located within Indiana County. The towns available are listed below.