With summer now in the rearview mirror, the final quarter of the year is finally upon us. Fall colors are now presenting themselves in Indiana County, and the air contains a chill that was not present before. The Society's committees continue to develop programs fort he public, as they now shift to include more seasonal themes and important milestones.
Last month saw two excellent programs occupy the calendar. The author talk with Jim Sagan was informative and did an excellent job teasing his new book, The Journey Forward, which is available for purchase in our gift shop. There were plenty of good questions and many participants purchased a copy of the book to explore the narrative further. The Chickering Square Grand Piano Program was also a delight and those attending were able to enjoy the sound of music once again flowing through the parlors of the Silas M. Clark House. For those who were unable to attend, both programs were successfully recorded and are available on the Society's newly created YouTube page.

The Run Through History 5K leads off October and concludes fundraisers for the year. The weather was perfect and the foliage was just turning, so it was a delight to run or walk the course. Twenty people registered, but there was also a dog, and one runner pushed a baby in a stroller for this fun event. It was made possible by several local sponsors including Kauffman & Billimoria, Tyger Paint, Four and Twenty Bakery, Allied Milk Producers, and S&S Screen Printing. This event serves as a great way to get outside and view one of the county's many beautiful parks, while also supporting the preservation of local history.
October means that it is time for the Annual meeting being held on Thursday October 19 at 6:00 p.m. As tradition holds, the business portion of the night will cover the year in review along with goals for the coming months. The Nominating Committee has been hard at work looking to fill vacant board positions and strengthen the Society's governing body. After the business is taken care of, a program will commence at 6:30 p.m. honoring the Indiana County Tourist Bureau and the celebration of their 60th anniversary. Food will be provided by Romeo's, and there will be a special featured signature drink. A retrospective on tourism in Indiana County will serve as the main presentation for the evening. We do ask that people RSVP for this event.
Following the annual meeting, the Society is gearing up for another Lantern tour. This will take place Saturday October 21 starting at 6:30 p.m. This event is free; however, we do request that participants RSVP so that group sizes can be kept to an appropriate number. Guests will traverse the historic downtown area and learn about the fascinating history behind the structures and people who inhabited them.
The month closes out with Trick-or-Treat at the Clark House. The program committee has worked to decorate the space inside and out, providing it with a chilling seasonal atmosphere. Guests will have the opportunity to get candy on the front stoop and make their way into the house and view the spooky displays located in each room. Historic characters will also be roaming the grounds for an added effect. Join the Society on Tuesday October 31 from 6 pm to 8 pm for this free event.
The lowering temperatures mean that it is time for one more seasonal tune up on the heating system. Davis Bros. has done an excellent job ensuring that the Society's boiler functions the way it should, despite the many issues it has faced in the past. The Old Farmer's Almanac is calling for higher than normal precipitation and cold temperatures this winter. Hopefully, with the well-tuned system, it will be nice and toasty at the Society while the seasonal weather persists.
As the year draws to a close, the Society has much to be thankful for. Volunteers and committees continue to build upon their past work and plan for future success. Join us for one of the many upcoming events or stop by the museum to view the colonial homestead exhibit. The final quarter of the year will be an active one, and the Society looks forward to the many opportunities to celebrate milestones and foster an appreciation for the county's past. November will be here in no time, and with it will come waves of tours, along with the beginning of the holiday rush. Indiana County has some fantastic history, and the Society is thrilled to continue to exploring new ways ot share those stories with visitors.