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Fundraising Update - May 2024

Mary Ann Wagner

Once upon a time, the Society was planning a trivia night and looking for attendees. They checked with friends. They checked with other members. In their hunt, they came across quite a few people with some of the same reasons for not attending. "I'm really not good at trivia." "I have problems retrieving info quickly." "I won't be able to add anything to my team." "It doesn't sound like fun." Then one day a few of these people decided to risk it all and attend. An amazing thing happened. They had fun. They found it interesting, an enjoyable evening, and really not embarrassing when you don't know an answer. Was the reason the interesting questions? The great power point presentation? Perhaps it was Vanna and Pat's appearance, the wonderful pasta bar provided by The HomeMade Restaurant, or just the magic of an evening with a lot of friendly, happy people. Whatever it was, it worked to provide an entertaining evening.

Trivia night also saw the repeat appearance of the Cougars. They were in rare form and holding their own as they again came in last this year. That last was in points, but if you talk to any of the team members it was certainly not last in their fun factor. I know they have already started "plotting" revenge for next year. Maybe the Cougars, along with some of the new players, can be your inspiration to attend next year. However, please remember attending can be habit forming.

Guests at Trivia.

It is almost time for the Spring Victorian Ladies Tea, a wonderful tradition at the Society. Mary Jo Bowes is putting the final touches on the program titled "Games of Courtship." She has discovered some very interesting "facts" about courting through the ages. Some of them might really surprise you and even give you a little giggle. The savories and sweets are being planned and the decorations are being made. Lastly, the variety of teas have been chosen. Wonder which one will be the favorite this time? Due to limited seating, please remember to purchase that ticket early.

The Oldies But Goodies with Books Sale is scheduled for May 21 to May 25, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It will be held at the Armory. Please stop by the Armory to find that special treasure.

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Historical & Genealogical Society of Indiana County
Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
P: 724-463-9600

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